CEO Word
Because ambition is the path to success, and because trusting in God is its guiding light, I have been confident that I could create a turning point in training and education. This gives me the ability to offer a helping hand to anyone who is interested in learning from my deep knowledge and experience. I am grateful to have acquired my knowledge from universities and institutions distinguished in education, management, training, and scientific research. The list includes Columbia and Oregon Universities the US, Yarmouk University in Jordan, Lund University in Sweden, and Imam and King Saud Universities in Saudi Arabia. These experiences were in cooperation with a selection of specialists and experts in these fields from several local and international universities, such as the School of International Teachers (SIT) in Vermont, Oxford University in the UK, Manara University and Middlebury College in the US, and Yarmouk University in Jordan.
I am always eager to contribute to sustainable development based on integrated experiences, and mature knowledge that serve a future generation. This will help this future generation keep up with the rapid developments in the world, as well as contribute to a better future, God willing.
Dr. Basma Issa Al-Saleem
General Manager and Founder of eTurn
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Her Majesty Queen Rania’s reception of Dr. Basma
Her Majesty Queen Rania’s reception of Dr. Basma Al Saleem, Director General of eTurn, at the Hashemite Palace/Amman in support of the successful pioneering...